Sunday at the Pattiserie
Sunday, April 10, 2011

On Sundays one should:
- dress like they are in Paris
- or at least smell like they are Parisian
- or maybe eat a croissant
- this whole one bite thing is ridiculous
- so is taking only two bites
- eat the whole croissant
- it's Sunday
- pretend you are in Paris
- eat lunch at the Patisserie
- Say qui
- It's O.K. if you say non
- but don't hurt frogs
- that's bad karma
- even for the Parisian
- Play Edith Piaf
- drink coffee from a bowl
- but not like a dog
- that is not Parisian
- on Sundays one should
- pretend they are in
- Paris
Labels: coffee, coral inspiration board, cream and pink weddings, croissants, Edith Piaf, Parisian inspired weddings, Pattiserie, Sunday
posted by Bella Fiore @ 11:45 AM