Get In the Groove: Winter Inspiration
Sunday, December 19, 2010

A little winter inspiration to get you in the mood for the season!
Nothing really gets me in the mood except
The Vinyl Cafe Christmas themed stories especially the one called, "Dave Cooks the Turkey". It seriously makes me laugh out loud every time! I never tire of it!
Tonight we put up our tree and decorate the house. We tend to leave it until later. It gets us really excited, and there is nothing like fresh pine for Christmas as opposed to a tree dropping it's needles! Did you know it is better for the environment to actually have a fresh tree than an artificial one? It's true, they did a study. If you have an artificial tree, do not worry you can always use my "
Murdered Tree Soy Candles" to scent up your home. (hee hee)
We put on the Christmas carols and sing our hearts out. Oh, and eat goodies.....I better get the baking done!!! Sarina out. xo
Labels: Christmas baking, christmas centerpieces, christmas flowers, soy candles, Vinyl Cafe, winter inspiration board, winter weddings
posted by Bella Fiore @ 1:13 PM