I Love Pin-up Photography!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The big rage for brides these days is to do a boudoir photo shoot to give to their grooms on their wedding night. I think this is a fabulous idea! Better to have photos of you between the mattress than some girly magazine! I would love the idea even more if the boudoir shots were actually interesting to look at and showed the bride's personality. That's why I love pin-up photography. The options for creativity and personality are endless.
Tim Melideo Photography soon to be based out of New York has kindly let me use some of his pinup shots to illustrate my point.

First of all, men are visual creatures. It's a little known fact that us girls need to remember. Second, men love what they love. Remember George in that Seinfeld episode where he's in bed with a woman and sticks his head out from under the blanket to get a bite of his favorite sandwich? He's combining the two things he loves! You can do that for your groom too! You can combine his love for you with his favorite guitar, pie, sport and nachos! You would be surprised how much more this engages his fancy than just you in stilettos and lingerie. By all means rock the stilettos but amp up the visual interest to keep him wanting to view the image longer.What exactly is she doing with those nachos?

If you are not naturally a vixen with Bette Davis eyes and an Angelina Jolie pout then just be yourself. Play up your attributes.Gorgeous smile, quirky nature. Rock what your Mama gave you! Your groom loves you and maybe tacos too!

Sometimes more is better then less.
Pin up photography gives you the option of keeping more of your clothes on if you feel more comfortable that way; while still allowing you to be sexy and titillating. It allows the viewer to use the imagination. Sometimes the imagination can create far more interesting scenarios than if everything is spelled out like in boudoir photography.
" O.K. there she is in bed, draped in a sheet, dressed in a lacy number that I can hardly see. O.K. Ho Hum. Next." Where as in this image, "
Hey, is that the band's vintage station wagon?Oh, I love those pink short, shorts on her and the heels. She's so beautiful. I remember that time we took the wagon up to Tofino to go surfing and pulled over to make sweet....." Do you get my drift? Men love to use their imaginations! It's the third little known fact!

I wish boudoir photographers would incorporate a little more of the
pin-up mentality into their photo shoots, infuse more fun, play,props and personality into the images. I don't see why the two styles can't borrow from each other while still being true to the chosen art form. Do you?
I love pin-up photography and want to thank
Tim Melideo for sharing his images with us. He's getting married in five days! Congratulations Tim! Maybe his fiance will rock a taco for him!
Labels: boudoir photography ideas, groom gifts, pin- up photography, Tim Melideo Photography
posted by Bella Fiore @ 8:18 PM