Natural Beauty: La La Bloom
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I believe in make up for your wedding day.Even if normally you abstain from wearing any. I don't believe in layering it on thickly and making yourself uncomfortable in the process. I don't believe in putting make up on your skin that is harmful to you in any way.What we put on our bodies ends up in our bodies.
I believe in make up that will enhance your natural beauty, that will make you feel beautiful when all those eyes are looking at you as you walk down the aisle. I believe that well applied makeup transcribes very well to photographs and video. I know this to be true because I have a background in dance and theater.It is always important to define the eyes and lips, as this is what conveys emotion in any medium.
I have worn all kinds of make up from stage pancake to designer spa labels.I have been searching and searching for mineral make up that does not cost an arm and a leg to own. I have been searching for a mineral make up that does not layer on so thickly it looks like you have smeared dirt on your face ! Why the search? Because mineral make up is not harmful to you or your skin and contains no toxins.

I am pleased to introduce to you
LaLa Bloom Mineral Makeup My search is over! Where did I find it? Right here in Victoria!
How dramatic is this colour grouping? It's my favourite . Dana the owner of
LaLa Bloom makes it easy for the novice by pairing complimentary colours together into kits that you can purchase easily in her
online shop.

Look at all the different colours! I am sure there is something for every skin tone.

Absolutely, smoldering!

Eyes are so important in wedding photography.

Lips are so important too!

Especially for the after vows kiss!

Want that golden glow? I've just come back from Maui look without the sun damage?

Good mineral make up applied correctly gives a youthful glow; this is because of the natural light reflectors it contains.Mineral make up enhances your natural beauty without covering it up. Be naturally beautiful on your wedding day and always, always continue to
Labels: lala bloom mineral makeup, natural beauty supplies, wedding makeup
posted by Bella Fiore @ 6:54 PM